We are having some struggles with her these days. She gets so wound up at the drop of a hat, and it is hard to get her to calm down and listen and OBEY. ugh She will be finding a cute little video in her Easter basket that teaches about "obedience" and "self control." :) Hopefully, it will be an entertaining-yet educational-video! She really is such a neat kid...but a bit difficult at times.
We had a great time Friday going on a tour of HEB with a playgroup from church (minus Gracie who was in school) and then all of us enjoyed a fun Easter egg hunt/cook-out that evening with friends. Yesterday was full of church and LTC preparations. We are heading to LTC this weekend. After many weeks of preparation, I know the kids are looking forward to performing. Gracie will be doing Bible Bowl and drama. We had dress rehearsal yesterday for drama, puppets, chorus, etc. yesterday, and the kids all did great. We are looking forward to taking a little weekend trip and seeing some family for Easter Sunday and seeing some "old" friends (the Bronnimans!)
She looks so grown up!
You are keeping up with your blog much better than I am! =) We're looking forward to seeing all of you in a few days!
The girls look adorable! They are getting so big. I hope you all had a nice Easter weekend!
I registered Vitt for 5K and even though he went to 4K this year...I just sat there after filling out the form and thought...."Wow. My last baby to start big kid school."
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