May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
Friday, July 10, 2009
Ellie's 1st birthday
Our sweet Ellie Hollyn is now a 1 year old! We had a cute cupcake birthday party for her complete with both sets of grandparents, a cousin, and several friends from church.
She is such a precious blessing from God, and we LOVE her so much!
Baby Girl is a TRUE Southern Belle because only a Belle would be accessorized while eating birthday cake! That dress is just adorable! It makes me miss dressing my girls like that so much.
It amazing how fast one year can go, isn't it? It seems like you just had her.
I love 1 year old birthday cake picturs and these of Ellie are so cute. Looks like a fun party celebrating your baby girl!
Wow - that was a fast year!!! Our babies grow up way too fast!! So cute.
I can't believe she is a year old already! Looks like she had a fun party, and I love the cupcake tree.
Where did you get her dress? SO cute!
Baby Girl is a TRUE Southern Belle because only a Belle would be accessorized while eating birthday cake! That dress is just adorable! It makes me miss dressing my girls like that so much.
It amazing how fast one year can go, isn't it? It seems like you just had her.
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