The wedding was held in the small town of Mason, TX which is near Brady, TX where my cousin basically grew up. For us, it wasn't too bad of a drive, about 5 hours.

One of the things I was the MOST excited about was getting to meet my cousin, Andrea's son, Jackson! I had the name Jackson chosen for "my boy" before I even got married. Jackson being my maiden name, it wasn't just a trendy name choice. Well, obviously, I never got to use the name Jackson since God knew I needed 3 sweet girls as my children. When Andrea ended up being pregnant the same time as me, and when we found out it was a boy after I knew ours (Ellie!) was a girl, I practically BEGGED her to name him Jackson since I'd never had the chance. :) Well, she went with it (after praying about it too!) So, Jackson was born about 3 1/2 weeks after Ellie was, and this weekend was our first meeting!
Andrea & I, all of our lives, were mistaken for each other. My dad & her mom are twins, so I guess it kinda made sense. The funniest part was that we both had red hair, but mine came from way back in the family on my mom's side......Anyway, Andrea & I think Jackson & Ellie look a bit alike as well.
I was so happy to be together to take this picture! I just wish so bad that Maw Maw could have been there with us! I miss her all the time! She passed away when I was pregnant with Katie. Those 2 would have had a blast together for sure!
Here is my dad & his twin sister next to him, along with my mom and some of the grandkids. Aunt Sandy has another grandson, Hayes, who wasn't able to make the wedding. My brother's family wasn't able to come either.

Here are Andrea & I again with our beautiful cousin, Jenny! Aunt Nanette, my dad's other sister, is her mom. Jenny is an inspiration to so many with her strength & courage. She was in an accident and broke her neck July 29, 2000, the day after Gracie was born. The doctors told her she would never walk again. She did though....6 weeks later. She went on to get married & have a son, Kelby. A few years ago, her husband was in an accident as well and broke his neck. He is now paralyzed from around the neck down I believe it is. Jenny is with him every step of the way and does all she can for him. She is amazing!

Here are Andrea & I again with our beautiful cousin, Jenny! Aunt Nanette, my dad's other sister, is her mom. Jenny is an inspiration to so many with her strength & courage. She was in an accident and broke her neck July 29, 2000, the day after Gracie was born. The doctors told her she would never walk again. She did though....6 weeks later. She went on to get married & have a son, Kelby. A few years ago, her husband was in an accident as well and broke his neck. He is now paralyzed from around the neck down I believe it is. Jenny is with him every step of the way and does all she can for him. She is amazing!
Here is my brother, Josh, with our cousin, Justin (the groom!)

Josh with his nieces!

Our sweet girls
Our sweet girls
Kelby made it into this picture. He will be 6 in December. He & Katie had fun playing together. We wanted Jackson in the picture, but he had other ideas. LOL

The rehearsal dinner was outside, and the temperatures were so nice....not like Houston! :)

My Aunt Nanette & Uncle Rick (parents of the groom) with the girls. Gracie & Katie got to be flower girls!

Jenny with Nanette.

This picture is out of order, but this is where Gracie & Katie got flower girl gifts. Very fun for them!
1 comment:
Yay for Miss Gracie winning the election! Btw, the girls look so cute in their white dresses! =)
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