Friday, December 02, 2011

Some cold days!

Believe it or not, we've had some cool days, especially mornings, here in Houston lately. Not many, but at least some! This particular morning, it was around 34 (or 39?) as we began our walk to school. That's really BRRRR for us! :) I love it!
I love the little monkey hat I found for Ellie to wear this year. Super cute!
I love this picture of her running along...sweet 3 year old innocence & happiness.
Sweet sisters walking to school.

Ellie likes to ride her "bike" to Katie's school. (Takes a lot longer though! LOL)
I took these pictures one day. One was looking one direction and looked ominous
while the other direction was so pretty!
Katie & I enjoyed Muffins with Mom a few weeks ago. It also happened to be pajama day...if she paid. A fundraiser of some sort. Not a bad way for them to earn money. Too bad Katie came home from school not feeling well and ended up with strep throat! Didn't end up missing any school though....that was a good antibiotic!

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