Last night was "Family Enrichment Night" at Gracie's school. It's over for another year: yea!!! A lot of planning went into this event: a lot of phone calls, some emails, some snail mail, etc. It turned out really well! One of the teacher reps for the PTA handled A LOT of the event, specifically things on the actual night and she is organized with a capital "O." She had teachers assigned to each class to take attendance and be a general helper. She had "floater" teachers on the sidewalks to help direct people, she had large signs directing people.
We offered classes in mural painting, pottery making (the one we went to!), gymnastics, karate, scrapbooking, magic & Mary Kay. We had just a tad over 200 students signed up to come and I'm anxious to see what our actual number was. I know the class Gracie & I were in was just missing 1 student! The event is designed for each student to come with a parent (or other adult). In fact, they have to have an adult with them or they can't come. Thus, the "family enrichment" title...spending time child & parent together.......
I'm glad all the presenters I lined up showed up! Last year, I had one cancel about a week beforehand and that was stressful, but this year everyone showed up! I had one call me about an hour & a half before it started last night. When I saw her name on the caller id, I panicked thinking what in the world was I going to do with the 41 students signed up for GYMNASTICS class if she was cancelling! Especially since I can't even do a decent somersault myself!!!!!! She just had a question though and all was good!
I'm thankful to God that the event seemed to turn out well. I'm also thankful to our PTA teacher rep and our PTA President for all the support, encouragement, time & effort they put into this to help make it happen!
I think puzzles are so good (and fun) for preschoolers!
Sounds like your family enrichment night went great!!! yay!!!
I love to read your blog (even though I don't know you). Send me an email hollyfouts@hotmail.com and I'll add you to my list. You are not exactly the "predator-type" that I'm trying to keep away:)
love puzzles! we have quite a few at our house as well. She is so cute.
Wow, what an event! I am glad that it was successful. Your girls are so precious.
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