I loved this cute bulletin board the Kinder teachers had each done for their classes. Very cute! I'm not sure exactly why Katie's picture is stapled right in the middle of her face, BUT it's still really cute! HARD to believe that my Katie will be going to 1st grade next year!
I was so excited when I went into Katie's classroom and saw her JOURNAL laying on her table. The journals haven't been sent home, and I've been looking forward to reading hers since she started Kindergarten. However, as Gracie pointed out to me, we still couldn't take them. We could look at it, but they still have writing to do, so I guess I'll wait another 2 weeks. It's okay....I LOOK FORWARD to reading them! There was only 1 set out that Mrs. B said was from since April. She said there is much more. Yea! I love reading my children's writing! This entry is so neat to us-the way she put so much detail. (Click to make it bigger.)
I love Kinder work!
Mrs. B has been a fantastic teacher for Katie this year! She has taught her so much and kept such a positive attitude with the students & parents. She's always willing to offer insight into how Katie is doing, and is always very positive in what she says. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and Katie has been blessed to be in her class!
I loved looking at the work in Gracie's room.
I love this "Texas Battles" book she made. She wrote about the different battles and made it into a pop up book. I love how she took her time on it and made it look so nice.
Here is an assignment that was posted on the bulletin board, along with the rest of the class. I snapped a picture of it but didn't really look to see what it was exactly. I just knew I liked she look of it! Writing & artwork. I just really like the idea of making a book or pamphlet or piece of artwork out of an assignment rather than just writing down basic facts alone.
Here is the 'brand' she created. Funny thing is, the Shanks family really had a family brand on the sheep ranch where his grandparents live and worked for many years. They would brand the cattle with it. It was a heart with an "S" in it. She didn't even know that when she created this one; very similar!
Her little cowgirl & cattle drive are so cute!

I think one of the things I like about these projects is simply that they were done, even though 4th grade is such a 'big' grade as far as testing, etc. I like that her teacher has made this history series fun.
I think one of the things I like about these projects is simply that they were done, even though 4th grade is such a 'big' grade as far as testing, etc. I like that her teacher has made this history series fun.
Here is a cute story she wrote about her daddy fighting in WWII, her going blind because she hit herself in the eye with a hammer, and her seeing eye dog being killed by a drunk driver! It's kind of hard to read the way I had to take pictures of it. Click on it to see it bigger. I like the way her teacher has taught her to pay attention to the parts of what she is writing so that her writing will include different aspects, such as talking, thinking, etc.. Maybe I'm just a nerd!!!!!!! LOL
Mrs. F has been a good teacher for Gracie.
I know Gracie has grown & learned a lot this year, and I have appreciated the fact that Mrs. F has a faith in God and is open about it. I haven't gotten to develop as close of a relationship with her as I would like to, but I don't really have any real reason to complain. There are a lot of things about her that I really like. I guess I wish every year could be a Kinder type year! :)
Mrs. D was Gracie's "switch teacher" this year & taught her well in Math; she has really gained in her knowledge in this area! Gracie showed us her Science journal tonight which was full of a lot of stuff, so I know she's learned a lot in that area as well. I'll admit to not really getting to know her too well; she seems a bit hard to get to know, BUT Gracie has learned a lot and done well, so why complain? Not every teacher can be young & spunky, right?! :)

Speaking of young & spunky :) here is a picture of the girls with their beloved Mrs. S! She was Gracie's teacher last year, and we all just love her! I pray that Katie can have her one year, too. She is one of those teachers who makes each child feel SPECIAL and goes above & BEYOND to be a good teacher & friend. She has been most helpful to us part of this year by picking up Gracie on the days when she has newsletter since she has to be at school early. It has helped me to not have to get Katie & Ellie out that early and then come back home for a short while then go back out again to take Katie to school. She is great!

Mrs. T was a student teacher in Gracie's class last semester, then she was hired as a 3rd grade teacher for this semester. She told us tonight that she might teach 1st grade next year, so maybe Katie will be lucky enough to get her next year! I'm not sure who she "needs" for 1st grade, but I have a pretty good feeling about Mrs. T., so I think I'd be good with her!
Here she is pointing out the flip flop. She asked me if I could tell that's what it is. It is a weave. I can see it!
In other news:
Life is plugging right along for us in the Shanks family. Things are a bit hectic right now with trying to get everything done that needs to be done in the last few weeks of school...end of year party, end of Kindergarten picnic, awards assemblies, end of year Friendship School program, Open House, etc., etc., etc. It's a happy time too though, and we are all looking forward to a BUSY yet fun summer. Hopefully, we will find time for some relaxation as well. I'm sure we will, and we will enjoy time at the pools too!
Ellie has decided she likes this hat that Katie wore in VBS a couple years ago. She has also decided she likes to play with the pretend mustard and pretend knives. Random.

She is such a fun little girl and growing up so quickly! She received a 2nd birthday party invitation today for a little boy who is only about 10 days older than her. Wow; hard to believe she is almost 2!

The other day, she climbed up on the tricyle all by herself. She is really close to being able to ride it. Her legs just need to be a bit longer!

Ellie loves her sissies!!!!!!! The other day, Gracie was doing her homework on the living room floor. Problem was that Ellie wanted to help her! LOL

Ellie loves her sissies!!!!!!! The other day, Gracie was doing her homework on the living room floor. Problem was that Ellie wanted to help her! LOL

Gracie is doing great as she finishes up 4th grade. She continues to amaze us with how well she does with school. She has kept up her straight A's. She had a B on a progress report, but she had it pulled up by the time report cards came out. We are very proud of her. She is enjoying being on the newsletter staff and continues to enjoy being on student council. Next year she will be in 5TH GRADE! This is her last summer to not be in the youth group at church. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's not perfect though...........let's see, she can be a bit forgetful about things, such as where to put her shoes when she takes them off, she tends to antagonize Katie way too often (but is fantastic with Ellie!), and she makes this funny little face with a bit of an eye roll when we're embarrassing. LOL

BUT she is great, and we LOVE her! We are BLESSED to have this amazing 9 year old as our daughter!

She played the violin for a mini talent show at school this past week. We are very proud of her for doing it. She did mess up which SHE recognized on her own, so I think maybe she'll argue less about practicing! She was a little embarrassed.

1 comment:
I love reading your posts. I am so impressed with both girls' writing! It is amazing to think back to when Katie started Kindergarten, to see that Gracie is becoming a young woman, and to watch Ellie become more independent and getting a great sense of humor. I love your sweet family.
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