Our sweet Gracie turned 10 yesterday, July 28. That is so hard to believe! These 10 years have gone so quickly, yet so slowly at the same time. She was born in Uvalde, TX, then moved to Aiken, SC then back to TX, this time to Houston. We are very blessed to have Gracie as our daughter. What a special girl she is! Here are some things about Gracie at 10 years old from her Mommy's eyes.
*She is a great help with Ellie.
*She is calm.
*She is a rule follower.
*She excels at school.
*She loves to read.
*She has loved to play her DS, but that is waning a bit.
*She got a Nano for her birthday, so she is now into that.
*She wants a cell phone and is sad that she won't be getting one yet.
*She likes to tease me and remind me that she will be going to JUNIOR HIGH next year this time.
*Her best girlfriends are Sydney (school), Reyna (school), Krista (church), Emily (church), Becca (church) Leigh Ann (from Aiken)
*She is a bit more giggly about boys but not really too much yet.
*She still likes her doll, Thelma, and her American Girl doll, Molly.
*She likes to draw & write in journals.
*She likes flip flops, bling, & peace stuff.
*She is responsible when it comes to following the rules and doing well with school work.
*She doesn't pitch loud fits, but can mumble under her breath with the best of any "tweens." She can be a bit sassy at times.
*She gets commended on all of her TAKS tests but can be a bit 'airhead-y' with other things. :)
*Quite a few of her Bible classmates have made the decision to be baptized & become a Christian, and I think her mind is thinking on this more & more as she is getting older, getting closer to making this important decision herself, which is a heartwarming thing and a reminder of our responsibility as parents in helping lead our children to Christ.
*She is just an amazing child, and I look forward to seeing where God leads her in her life and how she follows Him!
Here is a question & answer time with Gracie at 10 years old:
*What is your favorite color? pink
*favorite tv show? Wizards of Waverly Place
*one of your favorite movies? Harry Potter
*favorite book? The Mysterious Benedict Society
*best friend? Sydney & Krista & Leigh Ann
*favorite thing about Ellie? she's cute & funny
*favorite thing about Katie? she's fun & creative
*favorite thing to do with Daddy? going on dates
*favorite thing to do with Mommy? stay up late
*favorite food? fettucine alfredo
*favorite dessert? chocolate
*favorite drink? coke & dr pepper
*favorite thing to do on a lazy day? sit down & read a book
*favorite thing about school? writing
*favorite thing about church? God & Jesus
*why is it important to have faith in God & Jesus? cause they care for you & love you
*favorite scripture or part of the Bible? 23rd Psalm
*favorite church song? You Are My All in All
*favorite song? Love Story by Taylor Swift
*if you could meet any celebrity, who would it be? Taylor Swift
*favorite restaurant? Cheesecake Factory
*what do you look forward to the most as you're growing older? getting a phone!!!!!
My parents, Grammer & Pappy, were here from the 21st to the 28th, so we had a family celebration on the 27th. Chris made Chicken Fried Steak with fried potatoes. We also had broccoli (Gracie's favorite vegetable) and Texas Toast! Yummy! I like to get Hemali to make the girls' cakes, but she wasn't available this time, so Mom made a chocolate sheet cake (which was very yummy) and I 'decorated' it with all things peace & bling!
Here she is with her 10th birthday doll.
Katie was so sweet to put together a package for her with a doll and a horseshoe crazy band. Katie said she chose that one because she knows Gracie likes horses! So sweet!

She was soooo excited to get an iPod Nano!!!!!!!! Yea Mom & Dad! She also got an iTunes gift card so she can purchase some music, movies, etc.

Here she is with her daddy, choosing music.
We took Grammer & Pappy back to the airport earlier in the day so they could go back to Atlanta after spending a fun week with us. That night, before church, we met Chris at The Dessert Gallery for dinner &, of course, DESSERT! :) Look at all of the choices!
I had taken all 3 of the girls for their well child visits earlier in the day. The dr. said her BMI (body mass index) is a bit lower than she'd like. With all the food choices we have in Houston, I wish my dr. would tell ME that! :)

I LOVE Gracie-girl so much! I wish I could have been just like her. She is such a wonderful, strong, fun girl! Happy 10th, G! Can't wait to see you in 10 more years! :)
What a great idea to document some of your daughter's favorite things on her birthday. I'm sure you'll both enjoy looking back on them in the future. Your Gracie and my Jane, who turned 10 in April, have so much in common it's really almost unbelievable. Maybe I could chalk it up to them being the same age, but they both have two little sisters AND they even have the same AG doll - Molly! Since Jane also likes peace sign stuff, I have to ask...where did you get the shirt with peace sign made out of flip flops. Jane would say "That's awesome!" I'm also wondering what you used for the letters on her birthday cake.
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