Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas day! We had a good day! I have to admit it was a little strange not having any "extended family" with us on this day. It didn't feel as much like Christmas as in the past. Don't get me wrong, I understand why Chris' parents were in Texas since it was my precious niece Sara Jane's 1st Christmas. My parents were in Nashville with my brother which is close to Huntsville where they're going today to see my uncle who they haven't seen in over a year. I understand. I'm just a sentimental fool who likes to be around lots of family around the holidays. Both of our parents were here earlier in the week and I'm thankful for that.

Both of our families live all over the country~literally~so it's hard for us to all get together often. Let's see, my parents live in Atlanta while Chris' are in New Mexico. (ACU brought us together!) My grandparents are in Huntsville and Chris' are in New Mexico. Chris' brother & family are in the Fort Worth area while my brother & family are in Nashville. We both have aunts & uncles living in Kentucky, Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico & Nevada. We both have cousins in Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Washington state, New Mexico & Kansas (and possibly Iraq soon!) I have a cousin getting married this summer in Arkansas. I really want to go but it will be almost 1000 miles. Combined with having 2 little ones and Chris having to take vacation time, I'm not sure it's going to work out.


Christmas Eve, we had some friends over. Scott & Kate came over with their little boy, Bryson. When we started taking pictures, Scott told Bryson he might end up on a blog. So, I thought I'd really put him on here! He & Katie are about 6 months apart and have lots of fun playing together~and Gracie enjoys him too! Before bed, we read some "Baby Jesus" stories and the girls opened new p.j.'s. Chris & Gracie also made chocolate chip cookies to set out. Now that Gracie knows who really sets out her gifts, she knew exactly what kind of cookies to make!

Christmas day was good! We got up and did the "Santa" thing and Gracie got to open one of her presents which was a new Bible. I looked long & hard for a Bible for her. When she was a toddler, she'd gotten "The Beginner's Bible" which was a collection of Bible stories. This one I got her is also called "The Beginner's Bible" but it's a "real" Bible. The translation is NIRV which is the NIV written for ages 6-10. She is very proud of it and started reading it before we even left for church. The amazing thing is that she could read parts of it and also that she wanted to read despite the fact that it didn't have many pictures. Based on some of the things she has said & done lately, I told Chris, "I think she's more mature than I am!" We both agree that she is very special. It's a little scary and I told Chris, "It's up to us not to screw it up!" Please Lord, Help us to parent the way you want us to!

Of course, last night, we were reading out of the Veggie Tales Family Devotional book and I just randomly chose one. It was talking about the Holy Spirit! I will admit that the Holy Spirit is something I really don't understand very well. Chris was standing behind me and said, "Wow. That's a pretty deep topic for a kid." After Chris & I stumbled our way through, I said, "She may be mature, but I'm not tackling the Holy Spirit with her yet!" Next time, I'll preview the devotional before I just start reading it!

After we did the Santa stuff & breakfast that morning, we went to church and waited to open other gifts when we got home. We got back into our p.j.'s to open and eat lunch and then went down for loooong naps! Well, okay, Chris didn't get into his p.j.'s but the girls & I did!

Katie was a sweetie while opening gifts! When she opened up some "Fisher Price Little People" stuff, she just kept saying "Tank you, Mommy" over & over as she played with it. You could just tell that she was so excited and it's like she was amazed with this new toy! Gracie also had expressed thankfulness for which I am so grateful! Gracie was also really sweet that morning because she asked me, "Don't you want to open yours?" I told her I didn't have any (because Chris had given me my gift earlier in the month). She said, "What about my gift to you?" She had bought me something at the "Holiday Store" the PTA had sponsored at school. I'm glad she was focused on more than just what she got to open!

Katie had more than 1 "dirty" during the day (about 4!), so I stayed home with her while Chris & Gracie went to church last night. I thought it best to keep Katie away from other children. Apparently, it was a pretty small group so it may have been okay, but it was probably better to keep her home anyway. Gracie called me on the way home to say that they sang "Away in a Manger" & "Go Tell It On The Mountain." Those are 2 of her favorites so she was excited. Last night, Katie woke up and had gotten a little sick in her bed and was burning up. I got her a cup of water and she just sat there & chewed on it for the longest time and was real lethargic. We put her in bed with us for a little while then finally Chris put her back to bed. I was just sure we'd be at the doctor's office this morning, but now she seems okay. A little warm but not much. I'm wondering if it's teeth the way she was chewing on her cup.

Today, Chris went to the gym. That was part of his Christmas present from a family member~a membership~so he went to start with all of that. He used to run avidly, but because of some health concerns, the doctor has advised him not to run. This membership will allow him other ways to exercise (swimming being a main one starting in Feb. when the new gym pool opens) so he's really excited. I am organizing and cleaning while Chris is also helping with that alot.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week!

Thank you Lord for your Son! We know He came to die for us and we are thankful! We are glad you chose for Him to be born~whatever time of year that was~so that He could live the life and teach the lessons that He did. Thank you! In Jesus' Name, Amen


jWo Netplace said...
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jettybetty said...

I didn't know you had relatives in FW!!! What part of town are they in? (We are NE)

We have family all over the country, too. Sounds like you did wonderful--even without extended family around.

I love your prayers in your different posts--I hear a heart praising and thanking God and desiring to be a faithful parent! How encouraging!!!

Jacinda said...

They're in Burleson. Is that near you? What church do you attend?

jettybetty said...

We are at Richland Hills church--Burleson would be pretty far south--so we might be at opposite ends of FW--but that's still pretty close--at least compared to South Carolina!!!

Jacinda said...

Yes, I think my sis-in-law said Richland Hills was quite a ways from them.

I want to say "thank you" to you for all the encouragement you give. I know there's the verse in Titus about the older women (not that you're old!) encouraging the younger women, etc. I do yearn for that relationship and unfortunately there's not a whole lot of that going on at the church we attend here in SC. I won't say there's not any because there are some wonderful women here, but ALOT of them seem to have forgotten that verse is in the Bible, especially in regards to having anything to do with our children.

I fear I am rambling, and I may post on some of these feelings someday, but I have decided to be appreciative of what I get concerning this matter.

So, I appreciate you and the support & encouragement you give to me as a mother of young children who is trying to do what God wants me to do. I truly hope to meet you one day in person. I'm sure you are very valuable to many young ladies & mothers in Fort Worth! You are definitely valuable to this mother in SC! Thank you!

jettybetty said...

I am humbled and honored that any words I send your way encourage you!

I truly think you are a great mom! I do love to read your stories about your children. Because of your blog and several other mom blogs I read--I am excited about what God is doing in the lives of Christian families! I believe you are raising children that are already praising and honoring God. I am so thankful!!

Please keep up the faithful work!

elizabeth said...

Your family sounds a lot like mine growing up. We lived in Abilene. My mother's side lives in New York/Massachussets. My dad's side lived in Alabama. Our closest relatives lived 15 hours away! We always celebrated with just our little family. I loved it. We had a quiet Christmas Day and got to hang out with each other and play with toys all day. Who can argue with that?

jettybetty said...

I tagged you on my blog!!