Friday, December 16, 2005

our week

We had a busy week as did many of you out there in blogland, I'm sure.

*Monday night, we had Gracie's "Winter Musical" for school. It was great! Basically, some of the older students acted as narrators and read " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas" while other older students acted it out on stage. The Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd graders acted as the chorus down in front of the stage and sang at appropriate times. It was really, really cute! (I've included a picture of Gracie with Miss S at the musical.) Their P.E. coach was cast in the role of Santa Claus. Keep in mind that he is a big (not fat but tall) black man, so it was a different image than that of what we usually picture when thinking about Santa! He seems to be a great man whom the children adore, and I think it's really great that he was such a good sport about being in the play (especially when they turned over the sleigh with him riding in it!) I know my daughter blushed quite a bit when he came into her classroom today during the party. P.E. coaches have the ability to have a special relationship with the kids, don't they?

*Tuesday, Chris had a meeting in town so he was able to leave for work later than usual which meant he could take Gracie to school. Yea for me not having to get Katie up & out on a cold morning!

*Wednesday, I took Katie to Mother's Day Out and headed over to the school to tutor. Once again, I stopped at Starbucks for a little treat before picking Katie up! We ran an errand before going back home. We had a Housewarming Party for a friend to attend before church. It was COLD this day, so we were all bundled up! Chris had a meeting before church so he couldn't go to the housewarming party with us, but I was glad he had the meeting before church and not after.

*Thursday, we woke up to rain and cold temperatures just like the weather forecast had said. Problem was, I was supposed to go on our walking field trip with Gracie's class! I was told in carline that the plan was still to go. I got myself & Katie bundled up and took her over to a friend's house to stay. As I walked in the office at school, they were making the announcement that the field trip had been cancelled. Yea! It was really a nasty day to be traipsing a bunch of 5 & 6 year olds across a busy street! I checked with Gracie's teacher's aide to see if they needed anything done for 1/2 an hour or so since Katie was taken care of. She said, "I'd go back to bed if I were you!" I maybe would have had Katie not been with a friend. I didn't want to take advantage! So, I headed back to my friend's house and we worked on stuff for the church children's Christmas party that will be this Monday. She stayed with the kids and cut out a bunch of stuff for crafts while I ran errands picking up last minute supplies we needed. As much as I don't really like carline to pick up Gracie, the weather made it preferable to getting Katie out in the cold any more than I had to.

*That night, Chris built a fire for the very first time since we've lived in this house (which will be 4 years in March!) It was wonderful! Very cozy and Katie didn't bother it at all. I think I will be getting him to do this more often, especially with heating bills going up! Chris' cousin, Trey, came over for dinner, along with a friend from church. Trey is in the Army and has been stationed near here for a few months. Unfortunately, he has been sent to Kansas and will possibly be going BACK to Iraq in 2006. He is a great guy and so good with the girls and we will miss him!

*Today, I got to sleep late! Yea! I did get up to help Gracie get ready for school (just like Tuesday) but then went back to bed. Chris is so good about doing "morning duty." (He has every Friday off.) After I lazily got ready and ate something, we all went up to school for Gracie's party. It was so much fun! They made "gingerbread" houses out of the milk cartons from the lunchroom. They set the milk carton on a paper plate and used vanilla frosting to cover the "house" and plate. They then stuck all sorts of little candies on it. So cute! They had the cutest Santa bags full of little treats. Miss S had taken a picture of Gracie and stuck it onto a magnet. She had the cutest ornament with her handprint on it and they'd made snowmen out of the fingers. She had made a little reindeer out of popsicle sticks and a jingle bell candy cane and an angel. I asked her why they made the angel at Christmastime and she said because we remember Jesus. (Like, "Duh Mom, you know!") I asked her if Miss S had said that and she said no. I don't know what reason the teacher gave for making an angel at Christmastime, but in my baby's heart, she thinks of Jesus! Miss S and the aides had also given them a book. There were other little goodies in the bag as well. I think one of the students had brought Christmas pencils that were in there, so some of the goodies may not have been from the teachers. Katie went with us to the party and was so good! She only fussed when she had to clean up what she was playing with and leave.

*After we left, I went through Gracie's backpack and found a present for me! It had a thank you note from Miss S for the help I've given this semester. I thought that was so nice! She & the aides had also already included thank you notes for the gifts Gracie had given them just this morning. They are on the ball!

*This afternoon & evening, we all went to the mall and the girls got their picture taken with Santa. Even though we've told Gracie about Santa, we're not giving up on pretending about him just like we pretend about Cinderella & Strawberry Shortcake, etc. She knows it can be fun to pretend! Chris & both picked out new eyeglasses. (End of the year....gotta use those insurance benefits before they run out!) We shopped around a little then ate dinner at Zaxby's. I had to run an errand to get a little closer to finishing up a Christmas present surprise for Chris. I can't list details because he occasionally reads my blog!

*Tonight, I spent the evening balancing the checkbook (yuck!) & talking to a friend on the phone (took alot longer that way, but I hadn't talked to her in awhile! It was fun wasn't it Kate?!?!) Now, I'm updating my blog and looking forward to going to bed! Tomorrow we start really cleaning the house getting ready for company next week. I also have to get the candy canes & notes ready that the little children at church are delivering Sunday.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

P.S. Some of you may notice that I'm wearing what might be considered a Christmas sweater in the above picture. There are no Santas, but there are snowflakes. Please forgive me if my fashion faux pas offends you! (said jokingly of course!)


jettybetty said...

Whew--you did have a busy--but great week! I love the pictures--they are so good! Your girls are sooo cute--and now I know what you look like, too!

TMK said...

I always knew what you looked like, but it was nice to see that you still look the same. Thanks for putting a face to your blog for those of blogland who didn't know how beautiful you are. I always loved your hair. Your family is just precious! Glad you had a good week.