We got up this morning to find that the electricity had gone out for some reason-I think early this morning. The computer wouldn't come on which has been a problem lately-to get it to come back on once it's been turned off. Seeing as how I spend so much time on the computer, I get a little panicked when this happens. I was thinking of bills that would need to be paid online as well as important things like blogging! LOL
I started some breakfast for all of us and put some toast in the oven only to glance down at the door once I closed it and saw what looked like sparklers going off inside the oven! I don't know what the deal was but it wasn't good. After a few seconds-which felt a lot longer-Chris went for the fire extinguisher, but they finally died down. There were never any flames but plenty of sparks that could have started flames. So......we have a little problem with our oven right now. UGH! Remember the plumbing problems we had earlier in the week.....when it rains it pours right?!?
Well, we decided to head out to McDonald's for breakfast then Gracie & I went to her Master Violin Class while Chris & Katie went to get a part for the computer. Once Gracie & I got to her class I realized this was a little bigger deal than I thought it would be so I called Chris to come & bring the camera. There were about 25-30 people there-definitely something where I felt I needed a camera. Another dad had one along with his video recorder!
This was a special 2 hour class where any of the music students-violin, cello, piano-could play and be "critiqued" by any of the instructors. I felt a little bad for Gracie because all of the other students were playing real songs while she just did an exercise from her book. She's only taken around 5 lessons so she hasn't gotten to real songs yet. Her instructor is so sweet and
played with her and then she got some pointers from the other instructors. 
Her instructor, Miss Diana, seems to think she's doing really well for never having had any formal music instruction and just starting.

Her recital will be in December. I asked Miss Diana if Gracie would be able to participate since she hasn't really learned any songs yet. She said the director of the program was going to write something for them to play together. I am really impressed with this program. It's at a local church and it's a really nice atmosphere. I'm glad Gracie is enjoying it and hope to keep her going with her lessons.
As soon as that was over, she & I went home where a man from church was waiting to take her & Katie to the park for a picnic. His nieces were in town and he wanted to get them together for a playdate so he & his brother took them to the park. The girls had a blast. I love to see my girls having relationships with people in our church-especially people who aren't necessarily those we normally hang out with just because we're in different stages of life. This man & his wife-who was shopping today-don't have any children of their own, but they are so sweet to our girls and the girls in turn love them! We even made a special trip to their house after church on Halloween at their request to do a little trick or treating. Last year, they had the girls over-along with a few others-for a tea party at his mom's house.
Soon after they got home from that, they changed clothes and we dropped Katie off at a friend's house and went to see a local production of "The Music Man." Gracie was excited to see Miss Diana playing in the orchestra pit in first chair violin. There were 8 people from our church in the play so it was fun to see them. One of them was the lead female and she did a great job!
We then picked up Katie and went to eat dinner where Gracie & LA quickly "made plans" for Gracie to spend the night. She wore a dress to the play so it was decided that she could wear that same dress to church tomorrow and could wear some of LA's pajamas and use an extra toothbrush. They had every detail worked out!
We came home and Chris gave Katie a bath; she played a little; we watched a little t.v; and now I'm heading to bed to read. Yes, Chris got whatever part he needed to fix the computer.....but we sure are hoping to get a laptop soon because this computer isn't going to last long! Of course, we might need to invest in a new oven too........There's always something, right?!!?
It's been a good day though; we are blessed!
OH my goodness! That is so exciting! I'm just barely ahead of you. Let me tell you that I am READY for the morning sickness to be over. I don't know how women have done this for centuries and I don't know how anyone does it more than once! Oh my goodness. I'm sure I'll change my mind...
Congratulations on your new one! I'll won't tell Tracy but I will tell her to call you! :)
Gracie looked so adorable playing the violin!!
Hey . . . hope you are feeling okay! I was thinking of you earlier . . . the age difference of this third child to your girls will be very close to what Briley is to my boys! You are going to LOVE it . . . if your girls are anything like my boys, they'll be GREAT helpers! =) Well, also had to let you know I 'tagged' you on my blog! =)
Later ~ Krista
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