Wednesday, May 28, 2008

proud to be Gracie's mommy!

One bad thing about moving to Houston when we did is that we missed this special ceremony celebrating Gracie's good character. (Her school was named Millbrook Elementary, and the schools are in alphabetical order, so if you look down for the school name you will see her name.)We are so proud of her! Mrs. Zimmerman is supposed to be sending us a copy of what she wrote about her, and I look forward to receiving it to have as a keepsake. Gracie encourages me to strive to be a better person sometimes just by the way she acts, and I am BLESSED and PROUD that God chose me to be her Mommy!


jettybetty said...

Congratulations to Gracie. That is a huge honor!

TMK said...

You should be proud!! how are you doing? the baby?

Jenni said...

Will, Georgia, and I have some news for you. I need your new email, though. You have mine, so email me and I'll send you the info...