Thursday, March 25, 2010


This is a bit of a "plain 'ole blog post." Very random

Katie LOVES this Toy Story snuggie she got from Grammer & Pappy for her birthday, and she looks so cute in it. She was thrilled to receive some sweet birthday gifts from Josh, her favorite 16 year old this week, too. He is so sweet to her and treats her so special. Just a really great kid!

I like this picture of Ellie because it shows her pretty blue eyes! You can also see the "maccacheese" left on her face from dinner. She LOVES "maccacheese!" I also love this spaghetti picture. Every child needs a spaghetti picture. She sure enjoyed dinner that night, too!

I thought she looked so cute Sunday morning before church in this sailor dress. She is really turning into a toddler these days! Not so much of a baby anymore. A little sad, but it's fun to see the way she is developing into such a wonderful little girl. A bit temperamental at times (as most almost 2 year olds) but SO much fun!

She continues to be drawn to men, and has many 'favorites' at church. She can be quite the little charmer!

Gracie is doing well and enjoyed starting to workon the school newsletter this week. I look forward to seeing the first one and reading her article.
She enjoyed having her daddy come have a picnic lunch with her yesterday at school and go to the "art gallery" where the students' 3-D animal projects were on display.

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