Thursday, November 01, 2007

Guess what?!!?

Thank you Lord for this blessing!

Yes, we have been a bit shocked & surprised-but very excited-that God has blessed us with another child! We are just beginning this journey and I ask that you please keep us in your prayers. The girls are excited and Gracie has taken it upon herself to be my health guide. I told her last night she should be proud of me since I'd only had 1 diet coke that day (as opposed to the many I usually have.) She said, "We need to get some vegetables & protein into ya!" She is already a good big sister to Katie and she's going to be the best "big, big sister!" Katie is excited, but you know....she's only 3! We'll see how it goes with her being the middle child!

Psalm 139
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—and how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Can I vote for a healthy boy?

MB said...

im soooo excited but you already know that!!!! i guess its not a secret anymore huh?

elizabeth said...

Congratulations! What a blessing! I will keep you in my prayers. It is hard trying to rest with two active kids!

Rachel said...

Congratulations on your additional blessing from above!

Philip said...

I need more details... when are you due? I WILL get to see baby this summer, right? We are so excited for you! Philip called me from work and said - You have to read J's blog! Of course, I already had, so I just laughed and asked if he just had a gut check! Ha. Oh, and between your news and the camp pics, I did get a little bleary-eyed. Sigh.

jettybetty said...

I am so happy for you!

Are you due in June???

Can I hope for a healthy boy??

Krista said...

I know I already sent CONGRATS in my e-mail earlier today but I just had to say CONGRATULATIONS again!!! Bret and I are SO happy for you, Chris, Gracie & Katie!! Okay . . . finally got my blog up and running! YEA!! Aren't you proud? Thanks for leaving a message on my very first day of bloggin'!!! Later ~ Krista

Jenna said...

Congratulations!! What a blessing!! I am praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Lisa Renee said...


MDM said...

How fun for you and your family!! You will be in my prayers.

hollyfouts said...

Congrats! I bet your girls are so excited.

Malia said...

Congratulations!! How very exciting for you and your family. Such good news (and lately, I thrive on good news!)

So happy for you, my friend!

Erica said...

Congratulations!! I am sitting here in shock...I guess I had it in my head that you were done having children. Who knws where I got that idea. We will be praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby:)

Amy S. Grant said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. It sounds like you will have lots of help too. :)

Kimberly said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! That is wonderful news! You already make such a great mommy that I know this child will be very blessed!

How far along are you and how are you feeling? Are you finding out the sex? SO many questions so much excitement!

SG said...

Congrats! I have been out of it for days but i am SOOO excited for you!

Anne said...

YAY- How exciting!! :) Uh-oh, going from two to three... now they'll outnumber you and your DH!:) I'm sure your girls will be just wonderful with a baby!

janjanmom said...

Hmmmmm, how long ago was that retreat?

janjanmom said...

I mean the one you and Chris went on together, not the church fall one. heehee, that would be bad.

TMK said...

WAIT! I haven't been around lately! I'm SOOOOO EXCITED for you! Congrats. You are in my prayers.

~k said...

Congratulations! I came across your blog and have enjoyed reading it. I just checked in and what a surprise! I'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Karen B. (from long ago at GAC ;-))