Thursday, October 27, 2005

Britney's blogging!

Britney is blogging! Ever since 8th grade, I have been friends with Tracy. We have spent part of Junior High, High School, & 3 1/2 years of college together. We spent many long hours in the car driving back & forth between Atlanta & ACU. This was before the days of cell phones, so we had to stop & call our parents about every 3 hours! Infuriating to us at the we can hardly believe our parents even let us go!

Tracy & I still talk often and she is one of my dearest friends in the world. She is the one I go to when I need a "kick in the pants" or a sympathetic ear. Like I told Britney, I quote Tracy often because of all of the wisdom she gives me (some I ask for & some I don't! HA HA!)

Seriously though, Tracy is one of the strongest & most deeply spiritual people I know. She makes me want to be a better person!

Anyway.......Britney (or Brit as Tracy usually calls her) is Tracy's little sister! Britney was one of the "good" little sisters. You know the kind....she didn't bug you too much! I don't know what all Britney will write on her blog, and I don't know if I'll agree 100% of what she does write, but I can pretty much guarantee it will be interesting!

Check it out!

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