Tuesday, February 07, 2006

How well do you really know me?

Take this quiz to see how well you've really gotten to know me through blogland!


Jacinda said...

I should say this year. In 2006, what anniversary will we celebrate. I'll have to go back and reread it.

Alissa said...

I missed one, cause the page didn't do anything when I clicked on the right answer, thought it must be wrong, picked another, and it was wrong. Oh well! And, I could have looked up the date to your anniversary, but I was too lazy to walk all the way to the kitchen! LOL Cute quiz!

janjanmom said...

Hey, I got a 70!! No trick questions!

My husband and I are coming up on 12 this year too, so I remembered that!

jettybetty said...

I think I need to get to know you better! ;-)

Malia said...

That was fun thanks! I'm going to post my own sometime soon.