Just wanted to share a few pictures of my girls. Gracie

was helping me clean the kitchen cabinets & drawers.
They were filthy and she was having fun using the Clorox wipes. Good for me to have the help and fun for her to be able to help. Katie wasn't helping, but she's still a sweetie!

I love little helpers! Too cute.
They are little dolls! You think all our kids will be at ACU one day together?!
They are just so pretty! Can you believe our sweet babies will be 2 years old soon!!! Where has the time gone?
Don't you ever wonder what our mothers did without Clorox wipes? I can't live without them.
Mine love to "help". I used to be nervous about giving them the clorox wipes and instead would give them baby wipes. Now, I just give them the clorox wipes. Maryella's favorite place to clean is the TV screen. Julianne's favorite place is whatever room I am in...which usually happens to be the kitchen. We just have to be sure to encourage this so that the helpful spirit continues!
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