Saturday, February 18, 2006

#1 songs

It's late, well past midnight, and I should be in bed. However, I'm not. I've been thinking of some kind of more serious stuff to post, but I won't now. Here is a fun thing I found on one of the many blogs I've frequented tonight.

The #1 song the day I was born was "Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree" - Dawn. The #1 song on my 18th birthday was "Baby Baby" - Amy Grant. If you want to know yours, click here.


Malia said...

#1 song on my day of birth, "The Joker" by the Steve Miller Band! LOL

This was pretty cool, though, #1 song on my son's day of birth was "My Boo" by Usher & Alicia Keyes - my nickname for him is Boo-boo or sometimes just Boo! Freaky...

jettybetty said...

I am 68 days too old to know what the #1 song was the day I was born--it was probably by Elvis--LOL!!!!

"American Pie" was the #1 song on my 18th.

O the things we do instead of sleep--make word clouds, find the #1 song the day we were born--take a quiz to find out what theology we are--who needs sleep anyway?

TMK said...

Mine was "Me and Mrs. Paul". Sounds scandalous!

Baby, Baby reminds me of Becky James....she sang that at Freshman Follies AND she was my roommate so I cringe when I hear that song. She practiced WAAAAYYYYY too much!

MDM said...

I can't hear "baby baby" without vivid diary and bandana memories of BJ. Those were some fun times, TMK!! My 18th bday song was Timmy T.'s "one more try..." ooh.