Here she is! Gracie, the 5 year old Kindergartener! She loves school! She did so great that first day. I was not so great. I cried at home and on the walk there. Once there, I did okay, but I wasn't too sure for awhile that I was going to be able to leave. However, when I saw how she was so happy & comfortable (and when I kept hearing Chris say, "let's go!") I was able to leave knowing that she was in a good place.
She is having a great time so far. Her teacher is wonderful (even called last night just to check on how things were going and to see if we had any questions!) I was having the best time today listening to her talk about the story she heard in the library and the patterns she & a tablemate (she's at the green table, she'll tell you) made with their unifix cubes. Of course, she didn't call them unifix cubes but from how she described them, I'm pretty sure that's what she was talking about. She is so funny the way she moves her hands and talks in such a matter of fact way about things. I promise you, she has changed already in the way she expresses herself. My mom even noted that it's funny how much more she is talking. She's always been a "yes" & "no" talker on the phone with Mom, but the last few days she's gone on & on about things. It's great!
I tried carline this afternoon. ridiculous! To the credit of the school, it was done in a very organized, safe way; it just took forever. Tuesday, I drove & parked and walked over to where I could get her. That worked well. Wednesday, I walked. That worked well. Today, I took my place in line at 1:35 and left the parking lot at 2:30. I kid you not. She doesn't get out until 2:15 but in order to not have to wait out in the road, you have to get there by at least 1:45. Then, even when they let them out, they waited awhile before letting any kids load. (By the way, when I got there at 1:35, I was not the first car. I think I was about the 9th!) I told Gracie we would occasionally do carline but it wouldn't be an everday thing. I probably would have been home 10-15 minutes earlier had I walked, but I was trying to give Katie some time to sleep in the van. We'd had playgroup today, so she didn't get much of a nap.

Don't she & her Daddy look sweet? Didn't I mention the other day that he was the best Daddy ever? He really is.
Lord, thank you for letting Gracie's first few days of Kindergarten be wonderful! I was worried and you have provided comfort. She is doing so well and I am so thankful. Thank you! Please be with everyone else's children who are starting school soon. MDM's Rachel, TMK's boys and anyone else. In Jesus' Name, Amen
Wow. She is a doll and you are doing so well being strong. It is easier when your children love it. Sounds like her teacher is fab. Rachel's called on night one also and things were always that special with Mrs. Malina. People should move to our neighborhood just to have her as a teacher!! Zoe won't have her due to our move...that is an entire other blog. You brought tears to my eyes knowing you prayed for my big girl today. I can tell you are a prayer warrior. Have a wonderful weekend enjoying your school girl. Love the dad and daughter picture. I will have to do one like that with their amazing father. Love, Mandy
Congrats on having a kindergartner! It was sweet reading about Gracie's first days at school. I'm sure you did great, Jacinda. :)
She is so precious! I can see alot of you in her face. Too cute!
Our carline is retarded also! I used to get there and wait for 1 hours too with a 2 week old baby! It is just so bad, I guess everywhere. It is quicker to walk to and from our school and we live 2 miles away! So that is what we do, good exercise though!
We start Kindergarten next week. Since she's going back to the same school she's been at for three years, my anxiety level is very low. However, Kindergarten hasn't even started yet and I'm already feeling the same anxiety you've talked about regarding my daughter going into first grade! Talk about "mother worry"! First grade will be at public school and we're far enough away that the bus will be her main source of transportation. I saw the school bus drive by our house this morning and my heart about skipped a beat! One year from today, she'll be on it! AAAAAHHHHH! If I feel this way now I'll be institutionalized by next August. Must...calm...down.
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